
Mounts Riding Speed Comparison in ArcheAge

If you buy a mount in ArcheAge, you must want to choose a fast mount, after all, you paid some ArcheAge Gold. Below is the speed comparison for mounts:

1. Cow (7.35 m/s)
Movement speed 7.35 m/s.
Purchased at Mirage Island.
Can be milked for ingredient (milk).

2. Donkey (7.56 m/s)
Movement speed 7.56 m/s.
Donkeys have a buff, to increase its movement speed while loaded (rider with backpack) by 40% for 20s, apparently no CD for it.
Purchasable at stables.

3. Yata (10.395 m/s)
Movement speed 10.395 m/s.
Purchasable at stables.

4. Horse (9 m/s - 10.37 m/s)
There are 15 type of horses, their movement speed varies between 9 m/s (purchasable at stables around the world) up to 10.37 m/s (purchasable at Mirage Island).

5. Deer (8.925 m/s)
Movement speed 8.92 m/s.
Obtainable by quest reward for the Elves.

6. Lion (9.24 m/s)
Movement speed 9.24 m/s.
Obtainable by quest reward for the Ferres.

7. Tare (8.715 m/s)
Movement speed 8.715 m/s.
Obtainable by quest reward for the Hariharan.

8. Storm Barreled* (11.44 m/s)
Movement speed 11.44 m/s.
Obtainable at honor shop NPCs for 5.000 honor points.

9. Beefeaters Yakkha* (11 m/s)
Movement speed 11 m/s.
Obtained through the Haj Lard Reid*.

Have you got any ideas about choosing mounts now?

